Prof. Saburou Saitoh
Prof. Saburou Saitoh
Gunma University, Japan
Title: Probability and Stochastic Analysis in Reproducing Kernels and Division by Zero

Saburou Saitoh is a retired Professor Emeritus of Gunma University, Japan. He gained a major in the theory of reproducing kernels with many applications in analysis. His PhD thesis was titled “The Bergman norm and the Szegö norm”, and these topics held a substantial influence on his future research. He has published over 170 original papers and his publications include Theory of Reproducing Kernels and its Applications (1988); Integral Transforms, Reproducing Kernels and their Applications (1997); Inverse Problems and Related Topics (2000); and Theory of Reproducing Kernels and Applications, Developments in Mathematics (2016). In those 6 years, he is developing the theory of division by zero and division by zero calculus that give fundamental and important impacts to mathematics, mathematical science and education.